Biology Tutorials > Developmental Biology > A Balanced Vitamin Diet – Vitamins A – K

A Balanced Vitamin Diet – Vitamins A – K


Vitamin Chart Diagram

As mentioned in the previous tutorial, a balanced diet is essential to a healthy organism. Deficiencies in particular elements can lead to a decline in health, and exhibit symptoms that are not desirable at all. The following information looks at some of these deficiencies and why they happen.

Vitamin A is essential for night vision and improves the effectiveness of the immune system. It can be found in many dairy products, and especially in carrots.

Vitamin B12 is essential in the formation of red blood cells and lack of this may cause anemia.

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet. Vitamin C is essential in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies, and a healthy circulatory system. Symptoms of scurvy include bleeding gums and dizziness caused by the deficient blood supply.

Essential part of the diet required in the absorption of minerals in food, where a lack of vitamin D in the diet leads to a condition called rickets, where softening of the bones causes them to bend from the lack of calcium. Humans have the ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight

Vitamin E is important in preventing the oxidation of fatty acids in cells, and is commonly found in cereals and green vegetables.

Vitamin K is important for the blood clotting process and can be synthesized in the human gut, and found in green vegetables.

To continue more about human development and functionality, go to the Human Biology – Food and Digestion tutorial.

Credit: TED-Ed


Choose the best answer.

1. Essential in the formation of red blood cells

2. Essential in blood clotting process

3. Lack of this vitamin results in scurvy

4. Essential for night vision

5. Prevents the oxidation of fatty acids in cells

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Biology Tutorials > Developmental Biology > A Balanced Vitamin Diet – Vitamins A – K

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